The Gift of You

I didn't give you the gift of life, but in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real, as if it had been so.
For us to have each other is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.

Author - unknown

About Us

About Us
Hello! We are Bob and Trish Akers from Indiana. We are in the process of adopting a daughter, Emmaline Catherine, from China. We have a log in date of December 8, 2005, and are hoping to get our "referral" in November 2007. It's been a long journey, but we are so excited to be this close! ****************************************************************** Update: We have obviously adopted our daughter, so this is now the Akers Family website. We will periodically be posting pictures of our family and newest adventures.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Last post before we leave

Finally, we're all packed (well over a 100 lbs of luggage). I had to be the final judge on some of Trish's packing decisions in order to get our baggage under the weight limit. Items such as the 400 different types of pj's for Emmaline and the miscellaneous toys, bottles, and blankets were cut down to the minimum. If you notice in some of the later blog pics that we seem to be wearing the same clothes, that's because we are! We were only able to pack a few changes of clothes each.

With tears and sadness, Jackson left with Nana and Papa this afternoon (tears from us, not Jackson....he seemed quite happy). I wrapped poor Jacob's Christmas presents and put them under the tree - they're waiting for you buddy!

We have a few more errands to run this afternoon and then we'll be ready to go. Some friends are coming over tonight for a group prayer, then off to bed early. We will be starting our journey at the awful time of 2:30am. I'm sure neither of us will be able to sleep much. I may have to dig into some of the wrapped Christmas presents under the tree. I noticed one package that sloshes, and oddly, it's about the same size as a Crown Royal box (thanks Holly!). Maybe that'll help calm my can't hurt.


Shawnstribe said...

Safe travel and Gods speed to meeting Emma, cant wait to follow your journey!!!!!
enjoy China and dont be fased, people are very friendly, even though they may sometimes sound cross : ) its a language thing hee hee
lots ofprayers

Kelli said...

Can't wait to hear about your journey!

(fellow Fishers resident)