The Gift of You

I didn't give you the gift of life, but in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real, as if it had been so.
For us to have each other is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.

Author - unknown

About Us

About Us
Hello! We are Bob and Trish Akers from Indiana. We are in the process of adopting a daughter, Emmaline Catherine, from China. We have a log in date of December 8, 2005, and are hoping to get our "referral" in November 2007. It's been a long journey, but we are so excited to be this close! ****************************************************************** Update: We have obviously adopted our daughter, so this is now the Akers Family website. We will periodically be posting pictures of our family and newest adventures.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Day Three

Another busy day of sight-seeing. We left early this morning for the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, and a tour of a vase factory.
Still fighting jetlag, we both were wide awake at 1am unable to sleep - on the internet checking the Colts score. Needless to say, we are worn out.

Before coming to China, I told everyone Beijing had 18 million people, so it was roughly twice the size of NYC. Having spent three days in this city, this is really not an accurate description. It's actually more like 9 Mahattans -street after street of urban sprawl and high rise apartment buildings. Every street looks like Park Avenue. It's unbelievable, but we're very excited to be leaving it tomorrow.

Our baby is most likely completing her 12 hour journey to Chongqing and will be awaiting our arrival. So tomorrow we will get up, fly out of this small burg of 18 million for Chongqing (32 million), and will receive Emmaline at approximately 4pm on Tuesday (3am Indiana time). We will post picture as soon as we possibly can.


Shawnstribe said...

yay what amazing photos, you look soooo happy!!!!
keep safe and its not long now, even though it feels like eternity!
lots of love from us all here

LifeWithTheFerrells said...

I will keep you and that precious baby in prayer as you meet for the first time. I pray that God prepares Emmaline's heart to meet her forever family! What a blessing! I can't wait to see those pictures tomorrow morning.
God Bless
Tina, fellow Chongqing adopter

ChristineMccormick said...

AHHH!! You made it and the pictures look AMAZING!! I am so excited for you both. Only 1 more day until you get to have little Emmaline in your arms! (well maybe today with the crazy time change) I can't wait to see the pictures with you and Emmaline! Happy and safe traveling! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers!

Love, Christine

Connie J said...

We'll be waiting for those Gotcha pictures! Thank you for blessing us by posting your journal and photos! Brings back memories of our trip 8 mos. ago. Miss Emmaline, Mommy and Daddy are on their way :)
(Chongqing mama)

Unknown said...

Hi Guys!
You're in our prayers!
Look like you are having a great time.
I can't wait to meet your BG!
Big Hugs!
Roberta & family.