The Gift of You

I didn't give you the gift of life, but in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real, as if it had been so.
For us to have each other is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.

Author - unknown

About Us

About Us
Hello! We are Bob and Trish Akers from Indiana. We are in the process of adopting a daughter, Emmaline Catherine, from China. We have a log in date of December 8, 2005, and are hoping to get our "referral" in November 2007. It's been a long journey, but we are so excited to be this close! ****************************************************************** Update: We have obviously adopted our daughter, so this is now the Akers Family website. We will periodically be posting pictures of our family and newest adventures.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Stork Arrived Today!

Federal Express delivered our referral packet today. I have included the photo of the poor Federal Express driver as I ran to the front yard to meet her. The referral packet contained a ton of information and I will try to share some of the highlights:

She weighed 7.5 kg. and she was 65.0 cm. in height on August 10th 2007. She had no teeth in August. She is a moderate sleeper. She holds her head up while lying on her stomach. She can locate the direction of sound/voice and she can visually follow moving toys. She laughs aloud. She is active, restless, fond of listening, and quick in reaction. Her name Xiu Hua Yu means China Rain and it is pronounced as follows: Xiu: ("shee-oo" say it quickly) Hua: ("hua" blend the "h" and the "w") and YU: (u) She is outgoing. She smiles a lot, She is a little bit afraid of strangers. She is cute and easygoing. She can play alone. She always smiles at people. Finally, she gets up between 7 and 7:30 a.m., naps from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and goes to bed between 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. So, she will fit in our family perfectly!


Shawnstribe said...

You have a baby, you have a baby, you have a baby!!!!!!!
She is sooooo beautiful!!!!
Hee hee, what a precious gift from God
im so excited

Hayden's Mom said...

We just retruned from China last night and I read your blog while we were over there. Our daughter Hayden was from the same orpahnage so if you have any questions drop me a note. Our story is on under the name Hayden.
Best of luck and congrats on your referral.

Beth said...

OH!! I was out of town when you posted her picture, she is GORGEOUS. Many blessings she will bring to you and many blessings you will give. Best wishes and prayers for safe travel as you become a family.