The Gift of You

I didn't give you the gift of life, but in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real, as if it had been so.
For us to have each other is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.

Author - unknown

About Us

About Us
Hello! We are Bob and Trish Akers from Indiana. We are in the process of adopting a daughter, Emmaline Catherine, from China. We have a log in date of December 8, 2005, and are hoping to get our "referral" in November 2007. It's been a long journey, but we are so excited to be this close! ****************************************************************** Update: We have obviously adopted our daughter, so this is now the Akers Family website. We will periodically be posting pictures of our family and newest adventures.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Trish!!!

We've been terrible about posting, and this is a little delinquent, but Trish celebrated her 39th birthday on Aug 8th. Given the recent events with losing Dewey, no one really felt much like celebrating. Nonetheless, she had a special cake, Red Velvet, baked by her wonderful husband.

1 comment:

Shawnstribe said...

Happy Happy Birthday wonderful lady
and may your wishes come true.
So so sorry about Dewey, it hurts so so muchloosing a loved friend